SEO for Maps – Get found on Google Local, Google Maps and Google Earth

Updated 20-Sep-2023

Geolocation Optimization AKA Brands on Maps

There are powerful visual brand indicators that take place when a brand can be found on a map. It makes the brand appear more concrete as well as up-to-date. Few brands have effectively leveraged this outside of relying on already present business listings. However Google has begun providing mechanisms for people and brands to interact with search results, fine-tuning them and providing additional content.

Google Local / Google Maps Listing and Images

Google Local listings can be added and edited easily at the Google Local business center. Additional options include geolocation, address and hours of operation, and up to 10 image uploads. The system uses a voice call or text message confirmation code and seems to require a phone number for the listing. Google Local Business Center

Google Local Coupons

Another great option Google currently provides for free is the ability to freely create and list coupons. Think of it as a Google adwords campaign (instead of pay-per-click it is pay-per-conversion). Add Coupons to Google Local business listing

Panoramio image display on Google Earth

While there are several things that can be done to interact with users of Google Earth, the easiest is to upload images to Panoramio and provide geolocation information. This layer is turned on by default in all versions of Google Earth. Of course the image should be edited to provide valuable information such as the organization name and a URL. In addition, the search within Google Earth will return Google Local results, making them even more important. Panoramio Website