Updated 28-Jun-2024
This is a list of possible artifacts representing or showing evidence of brand (brand tactics, etc.). These kinds of things help people think through what a brand stands for and how customers should be able to interact with it, as well as competitive comparisons.
Brand Artifacts
- Comic strip
- Coloring book
- Colors
- Fonts, typography
- Images, figures, drawings, graphics
- Sound, song, theme song
- Industry
- Markets
- Competitors
- Customers
- Products, offerings
- Competitive advantage
- Brand as beverage or cereal (cereal box, beverage container)
- Strategy map
- Value grid
- Stakeholder analysis
- Experience of brands
- Expectations
- Brand personality
- Activities
- Resources
- Strategy
- Cost accounting
- Mission
- Vision
- Price
- Tag line
- True line
- Video
- Channels
- Tag cloud
- Statement of onliness
- Brand obituary
- Logo
- Trading cards
- Pecha kucha
- Meet Dave
- Future artifact
- Favicon
- Strategy Canvas
- Values
- Utilities
- Quality
- Job people are trying to do