
Updated 28-Jun-2024

email [email protected]
mastodon @[email protected] @[email protected]

Publisher (2009 - 2024)

Lecturer (2001 - 2009)

  • 7 years teaching undergraduate courses and seminars in marketing, management, communications, and networking, while attending a PhD program at a tier 1 research university, the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Engineer (1994 - 2000)

  • 6 years in Information Technology in Fortune 1,000 corporate environments, deploying and managing email, file, database, and web servers in the US, Europe, and Asia. This included network architecture, network security, performance tuning, and troubleshooting.

PhD (2001 - 2009)

  • PhD Communication and Information Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa (ABD). Columbia Communications Scholar. Graduate Student Organization President. Board of Publications Treasurer.

MS (1999 - 2001)

  • MS Information Management and Systems, University of California at Berkeley. UC Regents Scholar.

BA (1991 - 1994)

  • BA Interdisciplinary Studies, University of California at Berkeley. Magna cum Laude. Phi Beta Kappa.