Advice for a 25 year old

To my daughter Amanda, > We can be knowledgeable with another man's knowledge, but we cannot be wise with another man's wisdom. -- Montaigne Is Advice Even Possible First off, it seems to me, reflecting on my own 25-year-old self (of thirty years ago), that advice is nearly impossible, unless one can actually see into ... Read more

Lands – McNeill and Beyond

This is part of McNeill and Beyond - a Memoir If we go back far enough, our ancestors are from Africa, as are everyone else's. For Y-DNA (our patrilineal line) this means ~ 110,000 years ago there is what we would call an anthropological commonality. Between the anthropological and the genealogical (stories of families) there ... Read more

McNeill and Beyond – A Memoir

Memoir Preface This is an extended essay. It is not complete, the work is ongoing in fits and starts. It contains three parts. The first part is a genealogy and genetic forensics in searching for my male ancestral line. It centers on our emigrant ancestor John McNeill (1680-1765) who emigrated to the American colonies in ... Read more

On Reaching Middle Age – วัยกลางคน

I was reading an obituary on on Jim Carroll (Basketball Diaries) and it seemed a lot more personal and less like I was reading history. I think I've reached "middle age" (วัยกลาง). Was compelled to write this in my notebook: Somehow I've muddled into middle age. Evidence: I read obituaries, become bored with anyone under ... Read more