LXPanel – LXDE

Updated 28-Jun-2024

LXPanel - LXDE

LXPanel is the panel for LXDE. Like Longfellow's little girl:

> When she was good,
> She was very good indeed,
> But when she was bad she was horrid.

The horrid part comes when something happens and all the settings are lost, which requires about 30 minutes or more of reconfiguring the panel.

For that next time of horridness...

Note that individual LXDE menu items are files.

Autostart LXPanel

LXPanel can autostart under LXSession, found under:

> Settings > LXSession configuration > Autostart

@lxpanel --profile LXCDE

LXPanel Panel Preferences


  • Bottom, Left, Margin 0
  • Width 100%, Height 50px, Icon size 32px


  • Solid color (with opacity): black
  • Font Custom color: white
  • Size 12

Panel Applets

  • Menu
    • Icon: /usr/share/lxde/images/lxde-icon.png
  • Minimize All Windows
    • Alternately iconify/shade and raise
  • Application Launch Bar
    • Notion
    • LXTerminal
    • Nemo
    • Quod Libet
    • KeePassXC
    • GitHub Desktop
    • Google Chrome
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Inkscape
    • Scribus
    • Shotcut
    • Telegram Desktop
    • LINE (WINE)
    • Caprine
    • Zoom
    • LibreOffice
    • ThaiDict
  • Spacer - Stretch
    • Size: 200
  • Task Bar (Window List) - Stretch
    • Show tooltips
    • Icons only
    • Flat buttons
    • Show windows from all desktops
    • Flash when there is any window requiring attention
    • Show task icons smaller than the rest of panel icons
    • Maximum width of taskbar buttons 50px
    • Spacing 1
  • Spacer - Stretch
    • Size: 200
  • Volume Control
    • Audio Card: default
    • Channel to Operate: Master
    • Click for Volume Slider: LeftBtn
    • Hotkey for Volume Up: F11
    • Hotkey for Volume Down: F10
    • Hotkey for Volume Mute: F9
  • System Tray
  • Keyboard Layout Handler
    • Keyboard Model: logicd_opt
    • Keyboard Layouts: us, th
    • Change Layout Option: grp:lwin_toggle (left windows key)
    • Show layout as image
    • Panel Icon Size: 1
  • Digital Clock
    • Clock Format: %I:%M %p%n%a %d-%b
    • Center text
  • Application Launch Bar (this is a second launch bar, for positioning)
    • Lock Screen (XScreenSaver), found in > Debian > Screen > Locking menu


  • Set Preferred Applications
    • File Manager: Nemo
    • Terminal Emulator: lxterminal
    • Make window managers treat the panel as a dock
    • Reserve space, and not covered by maximized windows