Scones – Recipe

Updated 28-Jun-2024

Homemade Scones - Recipe


Scones are a great breakfast or anytime snack. Great warm with butter and jam, or by themselves. They can be a bit dry even with all the butter.

The quality of a scone is based on the ingredients, which means quality flour, butter, eggs, and if desired, vanilla, and cashews.

Total time about 25 minutes, prep time 15 minutes.


  • 200g flour (00)
  • 100g refrigerated unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 TBSP sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 50g milk (if needed)
  • 1 tsp vanilla (optional)
  • 100g chopped cashew nut (optional)


  • baking parchment
  • square baking pan
  • mixing bowl
  • spatula


  • Mix together flour, sugar, and baking powder
  • Add and mix salt
  • Cut butter into small pieces
  • Combine butter and dry ingredients together by hand
  • Beat eggs and add most to the combined ingredients, using a spatula
    • Save some beaten egg for egg wash to top scones
  • If too dry, add some milk
  • Spoon out mixture into 9 scones on a square baking pan
  • Bake at 230c for 11 minutes or until golden brown on top