Death in Thailand

Updated 28-Jun-2024

Currently I am expecting the birth of a son, sometime around early November (about two months). This of course makes me reflect on safety and other issues. Taking a look at lifespans and probabilities due to various causes, here are some comparative charts.

The biggest problems for infant mortality are well-known. The gap between developed and developing nations is essentially that of public health issues.

Main Risks for Children in Thailand

The main risks have to do with basic sanitation/bacteria/virus and resultant dehydration/diarrhea, accident prevention, maternal disorders, and non-communicable diseases. These can be quite adequately addressed by public health increases, and thereby create significant savings for the country. This should immediately become the first priority, especially in a country with a sub-replacement-level and declining birthrate. Every citizen born in Thailand should get adequate resource and training to lower the risk of death to that of fully developed countries, or at least that of nearby Malaysia, a bordering country and ASEAN member.

Main Risks for Adults in Thailand

For adults, especially adult males, there are enormous risks when compared with developed nations. These are mainly violence; accidents, especially transportation accidents; diabetes; substance abuse, and large contributors from basic health issues, as well as HIV. It really is quite scandalous how dangerous Thailand is, even though it is supposedly the so-called Land of Smiles and Thai people are famous for their hospitality.

Main Risks for Elderly in Thailand

If one makes it to their 50s, things are a bit easier in Thailand. Still, improvements can be made through better health care, tackling substance abuse, and improving diet.