Internet Trends Report – 2016

Updated 28-Jun-2024

Mary Meeker - Internet Trends - 2016

Takeaways - Macro and Micro

It was great to get some macroeconomic trends in this year's report, so we can see not only inside the industry but externally. And folks, it does not look good for many. - 3bn global internet users, growth flat at 9%, decelerating if exclude india - Global smartphone users slowing, 21% vs. previous 31%, shipping units up 10% down from +28% - GDP growth slowing, commodity prices down - Emerging Asia + China is 2/3rd of global growth - Debt loads on governments are growing faster than GDP, global debt is a problem - Population growth slowing, 1.2% per year - Adjusting to slower growth, rising debt, and an aging population introduces risk - US Internet Advertising is accelerating, up 20% vs. 16% the previous year - Google and Facebook accounted for 3/4s and rising share - Internet ads largely ineffective, especially video. 81% of users mute their ads. - 420 million users use ad blocking software on mobile, up 100% year on year - Great ads on snapchat: authentic, entertaining, in-context, and brief - Millennials, largest generation in the US, 27% of population - The messaging secret sauce is the magic of the thread, conversational, remembers identity, time, specifics, preferences, context - Voice interface improving - We may be entering a second golden age in the automotive industry, to be determined

Slides from Mary Meeker's Internet Trends Report
