Style Guide

Updated 28-Jun-2024

This is a permanent page about style guides used in writing and for marketing. In particular there two kinds of Style Guides: - Brand Style Guide (for product designers, pr types, and all public and corporate communications) - Publishing Style Guide (for writers, editors, publishers) These two intersect and the Brand Style Guide should refer to the Publishing Style Guide.

Publishing Style Guide

This includes all forms of media (text, audio, video, graphics) and includes those elements and forms usually covered by manuals of style. Included are such things as spelling preferences, form of English (American, British, etc.), punctuation (Oxford comma), preferred voice/pronoun use (3rd person). As well the kinds of markup used (PHP Markdown Extra) and preferred editors and other writing and publishing tools. Workflow can be included in the Publishing Style Guide to some extent, but likely is best in a separate document, titled Publishing Workflow.

Brand Style Guide

This includes all forms of media related to the brand imagery including graphic logos, typography, color palette, as well as contact information and other standardized corporate boilerplate. Everything about the brand name and visual and interactive personality should be included. Also such things as the corporate mission, vision, tag-lines, and the like, as well as things like business card templates, letterhead, etc. - Example of color palette