Teething at 3 Months

Updated 28-Jun-2024

Turns out that teething can start as early as 3 months. This was news to our doctor (which is quite sad). The state of health care with children is unfortunately the same as that as with adults, which is even more inadequate for several reasons: - Adults can tell you symptoms and the like - Adults with children still need to know what signs to look for and how to interpret - Pediatricians should spend time examining and educating parents, instead everything seems like the same kind of adult treatment model - Most doctors are actually not up-to-date in the field, but with the Internet and specific medical and healthcare professional content available, parents have an opportunity (though rarely taken, actually) to become informed in professional skills A great example is the site which has training for pediatricians along with great video diagnostics and the like. Is your pediatrician aware of that site or the content there? -- Ours sure wasn't.

Teething indicators

Now, as we know, teething is defined by certain behavior, but ultimately by something that is not yet visible (pre-erupted teeth). - Crankiness and excessive crying - Huge amounts of drool and sucking of fingers - Refusal to eat (at least sometimes) - Red gums - Disturbed sleep - Swollen, red gums - Red cheeks - A teething cough

What to do

  • Sucking/gumming on hard surface can soothing
  • Gumming on cold cloth can be soothing
  • Some acetaminophen, ibuprofen or paracetamol (small dose, try and not every day)

Teeth order and up and down

  • Note that teeth can come in at any time and in any order
  • Note also some parents see a tooth come in and then a day or few days later it disappears, strange but true

How to comfort the child

  • Avoid actual medication, other than simple general analgesics (aka acetaminophen, ibuprofen, paracetamol)
  • Use a cold damp cloth
  • Hard (not gummy/soft) chew toy

Things to avoid

See also