Yandex Cloud Services

Updated 28-Jun-2024

Yandex is likely the 4th most important Search-based provider, with Google, Baidu, and Bing being ahead in terms of overall traffic. Yandex is certainly like Google and Bing (and Amazon) in terms of offering a combination of email and file storage along with file sharing and file editing tools for organizations. Essentially it is a combination of Google, Paypal, and

Yandex Disk

Disk is file storage akin more to Google Drive + Google Apps, than simply a file storage like Dropbox. They have web-based applications for editing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations (provided by Microsoft), and have a viewer that works for text files. They also include the Aviary image editor, which is convenient.

Yandex Disk over Webdav

Yandex Disk can be accessed via Webdav, which makes it especially lightweight on lightweight machines such as Chromebooks, intel Compute sticks, and for accessing files such as KeePass files using KSync on mobile devices. While integration isn't ubiquitous as it is with Dropbox and Google Drive, the Yandex Disk mobile app has a lot of functionality itself.

Storage Space on Yandex Mail / Yandex Disk

10gb are free, with another possible 10gb for referring friends. Monthly costs for additional storage are $1 USD/10gb, $2 USD/100gb, and $10 USD/1tb, with 17% discount on 1 year (2 months free). This is about the same as Google Drive. All Yandex Mail users get 10gb of Yandex Disk. Saving attachments saves them into Yandex Disk. From what I can tell there is greater integration of Mail and Disk than with Gmail and Google Drive.

Screenshots and Photos on Yandex Disk

The Yandex Disk apps for desktops and mobile have nice support for capturing and uploading screenshots and photos, as well as image editing tools.

Yandex Hosted DNS

Yandex also offers hosted DNS for free with a dns editor available after delegating any domains.

Yandex Domains

Yandex allows Mail accounts to register Domains, and then be able to manage mailboxes (up to 1,000) for that domain, as well as unlimited domains and unlimited domain aliases. This is quite mindboggling, when compared with cheap ass Google.

Yandex Mail SPF, DKIM, OAuth2

Yandex supports SPF and DKIM. Check SPF/DKIM with this testing tool. Yandex also supports Oauth2 for use with SMTP, and IMAP, and other services, including Yandex Disk. > Currently I am having trouble getting the Oauth2 to work with Postman SMTP. Hopefully that will get worked out. Certs are needed to not have a mailbox compromised based on username/password being in the database.

Yandex DNS Records

One can delegate zones to Yandex DNS and then manage records through a web-based DNS editor. Or, one can go through a process of authorization and record entries as follows: - CNAME record (unique) set to: - MX record: (10) - TXT record (Yandex DKIM): name=mail._domainkey value="v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC2+xOv5+WXFROygWIKk1dSLXOYcoJQqL1kGHYY3ymVNYXk+gTlVwgW7o+M2a2Ci8BmVxZjW+TPdu0qnhY626HJ2SDNszznKhDgZSB4xvImyGZBbTmtgA9wDlZam9OaX+p5eN3YB0BCT0iUQqLNAGSZrGOd9gpES0Xuoswo7Qy5OwIDAQAB" - TXT record (Yandex SPF): value=“v=spf1”. - Alternately if additional IPs are needed to be validated, use: "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ~all" (replace and with correct IP addresses

Yandex Money

Yandex is basically Google + Paypal + Uber, so it is a much bigger deal in its markets, though it is perhaps a tenth the