Keto diet

Updated 28-Jun-2024

There are several advantages to a ketogenic or keto diet. The main problem is that one is faced with having to battle one's culture to do it.

Keto as culturally rare

Most developed or developing (non-hunter-gatherer) cultures are heavy consumers of carbohydrates: rice, pasta, bread. This is not to mention the impact of sweets and sugar added to many foods, and processed foods, which abound.

Advantages of a Keto diet

What is a Keto diet

Essentially it is changing the percentage of fats, protien, and carbohydrate to primarily fat in terms of calories consumed. If the idea is to lose weight some of that fat does not have to be consumed, rather it will come from your body. Low carbohydrates, moderate protiens, and fatty fats to the fat.

Of course there are good fats and bad fats, and processed foods should as always, generally be avoided.

Keto, Ketosis, Ketones

The idea is for the body to shift to a primarily fat-burning state where it derrives most energy from ketones produced in the liver from stored fat, rather than glucose and glycogen (by creating insulin in the pancreas, and converting glucose into glycogen, which is then stored in the liver).

Of course there is not an either-or situation, but rather an issue of how much / what percentage of energy is being derrived from glycogen vs. ketones.

When Keto isn't working

Via 8 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight on Keto:

  • You’re Eating Too Many Carbs
  • You Aren't Eating Nutritious Foods
  • You May Be Consuming Too Many Calories
  • You Have an Undiagnosed Medical Issue
  • You Have Unrealistic Weight Loss Expectations
  • You’re Constantly Snacking on High-Calorie Foods
  • You’re Stressed out and Not Getting Adequate Sleep
  • You Aren’t Getting Enough Physical Activity