The Northeast Asean Sea

Updated 28-Jun-2024

An end to the geographic lies of China, where a misnomer becomes an excuse for criminality. The Northeast Asean Sea

Geographic Lies of China

The geographic lies of china are well documented. The so-called South China Sea is simply one of the more anachronistic, if not damning. The English-speaking world need not continue this farce. And so what should one call the East Vietnamese Sea (of course Vietnam has only one coast), or the Western Philippine Sea? That is simple, and obvious, and it stands on a political and geographic truism. For ASEAN as a body there is a plain geography, and the sea bordering the Northeastern part is both true internationally and correct geographically.

Ongoing Aggression and Terrorism

The ongoing aggression, most recently of a near-collision with US Military aircraft in International Airspace, as well as blatant piracy with the attack, threats of violence, destruction of property and theft of assets from a Vietnamese ship. Anyone who thinks that China can be pacified by a lack of response is completely ignorant of the strategy it is following, as well as the lengths it will go to intimidate and essentially seize all resources in the Northeast Asean Sea. Only a concerted effort by all international parties, including ASEAN will forestall and turn back such barbarism.

What is in a Name

Those of us who have the power of commentary and can help correct this barbaric display have recourse to properly naming such behavior, as well as the correct name for the location where such terrorist and criminal activities are taking place: The Northeast Asean Sea. Alternatively, the Champa Sea, the East Vietnamese Sea, the North Malaysian Sea, or the Western Philippine Sea. But at all costs, this cannot be called the South China Sea, as China sees this as a license to murder and loot.