Covid-19 Updates

Updated 28-Jun-2024

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Most recent updates

This is meant to show latest news and updates to Covid-19. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather suggestive and providing some recent information that might not fit elsewhere or may be the first place before other resources are updated.

05 September 2021

  • Covid-19 affects liver function in a significant number of cases. This is problematic for several reasons: decreased liver function does not necessarily present itself easily, with pain, etc., and the large number of Covid-19 cases may signal a future large influx of people with liver disease.

30 August 2021

Various new findings over the past week or so.

23 August 2021

22 August 2021

  • Children are definitely getting sick with Covid-19 and in the US the Delta Variant is causing the highest levels of hospitalization and death, topping previous surges. In particular, based on a large study in Canada, children are much more infectious than other age groups, the youngest being the most infections and adolescents being the second most infections out of all age groups. This is especially important for children returning to school, and implies a needed mandate for the use of masks in schools.
  • Some research on recovered SARS cases who have been vaccinated show very high levels of protection against infection, with doctors suggesting this might lead to a third generation vaccine that would be effective against all coronaviruses (including those we still have not encountered).
  • In the US they are offering mRNA vaccine boosters to those who have had vaccination 8 months or longer ago. This might also apply to the J&J vaccine, though it has not been used earlier than April, 2021 in the US, therefore 8 months have not yet passed.