Debian + Cinnamon Keyboard Shortcuts

Updated 28-Jun-2024

A sampling of Debian + Cinnamon keyboard shortcuts (incomplete)

Function LMDE3 ChromeOS
Refresh Ctrl+R
Task List
Partial Screenshot

Debian Terminal

Under Edit > Preferences > Shortcuts set the Edit > Copy, Edit > Paste, and Edit > Select All accelerator keys to Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+A respectively.


Under Keyboard > Shortcuts > System > Screenshots and Recording assign F5 to Take a screenshot of an area. This is more efficent than the Ctrl+Shift+F5 of the standard ChrOS keystroke and the standard Dim keyboard backlight setting doesn't apply as I do not use backlit keyboards.

In ChrOS it makes sense even to map the Overview (F5) key to partial screenshot as I really don't use that function in any case.

Keyboard Layouts Options

> Keyboard > Layouts > Options - Alt/Win key behavior - Ctrl is mapped to Win keys (and the usual Ctrl keys) - Caps Lock key behavior - Make Caps Lock an additional Hyper (deal with this later to create the Search behavior in ChrOS, if desired) - Switching to another layout - Caps Lock, though this really makes the Shift+Caps Lock function as a language switcher.

Note that the last one would be better aligned with ChrOS' Ctrl+Space to switch between languages, if possible. It is more like the OSX Cmd+Space language toggle keystroke.


Since I prefer to have ctrl+c be copy, then that can't be quit, and so I set the break command to ctrl-e using stty.

stty break ^e

However, that is not really necessary since ctrl+\ and ctrl+4 both also institute a quit or break in the console.


Set the default shell to Bash

chsh -s /bin/bash

> Note: have to log out and back in to see this work.

Notes (Incomplete)

  • With small keyboard there is no actual delete, only backspace. Need to change so the delete key can/is the backspace and so can delete in the file manager (Nemo). Actually Fn + Delete = Delete on the Apple wireless keyboard, whereas Delete is actually Backspace.
    • Note that Nemo is so horribly slow when/after doing delete/paste of files between windows, I've gone on to use Nautilus. Also, Nautilus has good batch file renaming, whereas Nemo is woefully incomplete. Nemo is better on search and sort. So it is a two-file-manager world.
  • For rename, note: Fn+2 and slow double-click (Nemo only) works.
  • Set the Bash so that it maps my favorite scripts (lx for ls -la), environment editor (nano), and in terminal so ctrl-E is the stop command.
    • Done
  • Set a partial screenshot keystroke / keyboard shortcut
    • Done (F5), set this in the Keyboard control panel/settings.
  • Install exo-utils and run exo-preferred-applications to set the file managers and browsers (though is this read by Cinnamon?)
  • Install and Run dconf-editor to set preferences in a variety of apps/locations