Linux Desktop – Apps, Config

Updated 28-Jun-2024

This is about linux desktop issues (as opposed to server), and mainly deals with desktop-style configuration. See this post about shell and command-line utilities and environments.

Android Apps

This is pretty much unneeded these days.

Apps and Utilities Not Available on ChromeOS

But can be run on Linux...

Note that at some point the Linux vm on ChromeOS may support these.

Standard Linux-supported Apps

  • Audacity
  • Blender
  • Calibre
  • Chrome
  • Files (Nautilus)
  • FileZilla
  • FontForge
  • GIMP
  • GitKraken
  • Gramps
  • Image Scan!
  • Inkscape
  • KeePassXC
  • LibreOffice
  • mpv
  • MuseScore
  • Pix
  • Praat Speech Analyzer
  • QuodLibet
  • Shotcut
  • SomaFM
  • SyncThing
  • Telegram
  • Transmission
  • VSCode