MediaWiki vs. WordPress

Updated 28-Jun-2024

There of course is no MediaWiki vs. WordPress in the sense of a battle. As Wiki and Blog platforms go, each is the winner in their category in terms of raw number of users/pageviews. That said, there are definitely (different) concerns with each platform, architecturally as well as accidentally. And therefore, we dreg up the battle metaphor. To the fighting pits!

Markdown vs. Wikitext

Markdown isn't the default in WordPress, indeed there is way too much emphasis on the visual editor. That said, Markdown is common and available via plugins, and shortcode functionality is also prevalent. For MediaWiki, the wikitext markup remains dominant, to the exclusing of Markdown. But no where else than MediaWiki is wikitext deployed.

Namespaces and Transclusion

MediaWiki namespaces are ways of organizing kinds of documents (sometimes without much real effect other than naming), as well as allowing for transclusions and templates. For WordPress templates, or better custom post types, are monolithic and govern an entire page of a certain kind (for example, products). While custom posts and templates are distinct, and there can be more than one template for a given custom post type, they essentially are managed as an area for programming, vs. the looser, and easier to edit templates (powered by WikiMedia transclusion extensions), so that moderately capable editors can customize the look and feel of pages without needing administrative access. This gives MediaWiki a more democratic and flexible system, that however ends up creating an additional level of administrative editing work. I've you've got millions of editors, this is fine, and necessary, but if not, it becomes more difficult to manage.

Caching Techniques

MediaWiki has some built-in caching, and for WordPress this is the domain of plugins. Still, these sit on top of PHP, MySQL, and Apache, so the caching strategy is the same.

Themes and Skins

Themes in WordPress are where the look and feel, layout and design live, while for MediWiki these are skins. As with most things CSS (and a little javascript), the customization can be extensive. The trouble with skins, besides the fact that most are very ugly, is that the paradigm of the Wikipedia page generally dominates. Wikiwand has gone far to beat back that design, and done so effectively.

Templates, Templates, Templates

Templates tend to grow like mushrooms. For example this page has 53 templates. There are mainly just a few template types: - Page or fragment formatting templates - Info-box style templates - Weird parsing or inclusion templates From an architecture perspective, this is obviously nuts (a technical term). First off, getting down to the root of it, there should be widgets, templates, and plugins. While certainly it is convenient that this is the WordPress model, the reality is that not managing these issues site-wide is a recipe for disaster. One ends up with... 53 templates. Bartleby the Scrivener, indeed.

Javascript and CSS

For WordPress, including javascript and css is generally straightforward, and there are plugins such as the masterful HeadSpace which makes insertion of includes straightforward. In comparison, MediaWiki's approach doesn't always work very well. There are the common files, but adding includes is not obvious. Wikia documentation helps out (but again, is incomplate). Technical documentation of MediaWiki is by far the weakest and most troubling part of the distribution. Technical documentation is either non-existent, incomplete, or out of date -- usually a combination of all three.

MediaWiki and WordPress - Deep in Technical Debt

The attempts to make sane improvements to MediaWiki and WordPress (and most recently, WooCommerce) have exposed an enormous amount of technical debt. MediaWiki makes mention of this, but their attempts to address this are essentially don't touch what we can wait to touch later. WooCommerce 3.0, in less than a month, has released six bug-fix patches, having broken a huge amount of their customer base. The insanity continues on WordPress releases, which no longer have timelines (only some kind of undefined feature release rationale).

A Revisit for Sanity

Both MediaWiki and WordPress have extremely poor core technology stack, and while it can be made to work and scale, the process is generally painful. In addition, with core version control distributed collaborative editing and website display, there are few reasons not to build something that can fix both of these problems, provided the core functionality of both applications is built first, and the architecture is thought out better. This should fix speed issues and caching issues.

Challengers and Replacements

Because part of the issue has to do with the database requirements, flat file systems have a distinct advantage. Additionally, active, full-featured projects that are able to do some kind of migration/import, are a strong consideration. Two in particular are: - WordPress / Woocommerce --> Grav / Gravcart - Mediawiki --> Dokuwiki